
Day 6

Well what a day, I kept meaning to sit down and update you all, and time kept running away from me. Such a busy day, lots done, but I am shattered and ready to collapse in bed again.
I wanted to post from my computer because it is easier than typing from my phone, especially when tired!
I have had many thought today that I have wanted to share and I am not sure I can remember them all now, so you might get multiple updates tomorrow as they all come back to me.

I have had my orange drinks today for my snack, the 'want more energy' and that was my last one from the trial pack, so I will be ordering more, because I love them, they have two other flavours as well, a citrus one and a tropical fruit and hibiscus one, so I will try one of those as well. They work, taste fantastic and definitely boost me along in the mid morning and late afternoon, when I am flagging. Apparently they are helping with stress, I do believe they are.
The other thing I will be ordering is the Ionix Supreme, it says to take one serving each day, and I have- but when I read the serving size it said 1 or 2 fl.oz's, so I went with the 2 fl.oz's, but the bottle has 32 fl.oz's in it, so by doing 2 fl.oz I have used too much, a miss calculation on my part. Lesson learnt. I could have been more economical, not really in my nature my husband would say,but in all honesty I just had not registered that fact. I did not wish to seem like a light weight by only have 1 fl.oz, just because it looks like liquidized cabbage, brussels sprouts and kale. I must say it smells nice, and I actually now, don't mind the taste.

Of course, I must confess to having been naughty and gone on the scales again today, I am down 8lbs now, which puts a smile on my face. I do know I should not go on them, but it is just me, and the temptation is too much, I NEED to know it is working.

Not sure if any of you wish to know about my plumbing, but it is all fine, more trips to the bathroom than normal, all the water I am drinking is definitely keeping me popping to the loo often. So far I am not clogged up, but they do supply IsaFlush tablets for me to take at the end of each day, so my system should stay on track.

I do the official weight and measurements on Day 11, so not long now to see where I really am with all the figures, and then on Day 30 I will get the final talley.

Well, I am off to bed , sleep tight everyone.

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