
Day 19

Today was a slower day, I have felt less energetic, I actually feel like I want to cleanse, as that leaves you feeling so much better. So when my shipment arrives I will do a cleanse day :-)
The plumbing went very wrong today, so I am going to stay off the Isa Flush for a few days, because clearly I do not need them. I am hoping it is just more toxins clearing the system and not a tummy bug or anything awful.
The gazebo is finished, so I will post photo's tomorrow, lots of screws, standing on steps, ladders and fence posts to get the roof part of..but it is all done.

Dinner this evening was salmon, with spinach, carrots and broccoli with some roasted potatoes. I only had a few of them as I am sure I should not really have them in vast quantities, but the boys loved it and that is what counts, us all sitting around the table enjoying a meal.

I have tried the new fiber bars, almond and honey ones, they are delicious, I am very pleased I bought them. they will be going on my next shipment as well!! Ben is still waiting for the chocolate decadence fiber bars to arrive. I think I might have to get the chocolate shakes as well for him. He wants to try it so much.

Anyway, I am yawning, so heading to bed, speak to you all tomorrow.

11 days until I weigh again..

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