
Home from an amazing trip back to UK

I have just been over to UK for a trip to celebrate Alison's 50th birthday and Alex's 14th birthday. I took him as his birthday present, and he planned part of the trip, and I made it all happen.

The fun thing about this trip is that we had so much time to talk and laugh, experience new places and mix and mingle with so many friends and family members.

I will always remember this trip. I am already looking forward to taking Ben for his 14th next year. I have no idea what he will want to do, but just the one on one time was so special. It is rare to have that time when you have four children.

Of course I ate too much, it was just too tempting to eat the foods I miss from home while I was there. So sausages, ham, going to the chippie, cornish pasties, egg and cress sandwiches, crisps- the list goes on, my savoury tooth was in seventh heave. So I am glad to be home and back to eating more healthily, as it did not take long to feel sluggish and bloated. I am happy to be back eating sensibly and healthily. I find it interesting that I could not control my desire for these foods. I have decided to look at it as perfectly alright. eating while on holiday is holiday!!

Now I am home I am back to my garden, and about to plant my tomatoes, peppers, and try onions this year as well. Allan has planted my new citrus trees, so they are all look great, my perennial herbs are all doing splendidly, and I need to plant my annual ones now as well. Going to be a busy week in my garden for sure.

I am also excited to re-pot my Star of Texas hibiscus plants that I have grown from seeds I harvested. A first for me, so  very excited.

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