
One of my latest projects.

Good evening all,

As I type this I am thinking about the cookery book I am writing and how I need more hours in the day. My ideas are flowing and I am not keeping up with them. I have notes everywhere and am now trying to keep notes on my computer, as well as mastering Pages and using it efficiently. Does anyone else find computers hard work when you go outside your comfort zone of what you know and try and expand your horizons.

I have been on a mission to write this cook book for a long time, and I am now telling the world, because that is accountability for me. Difficult to pretend I am not doing it when it is out their on the web.

I really hope you all have a dream that you can turn in to a goal and then a reality. It is very powerful for self esteem and inner peace. Those in this house are all helping me, and have roles in this process. I am loving that this is a project they all have an input with, in different ways and that changes as we go, but the support from my boys to see this to fruition is inspiration and motivation all by itself.

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